Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Forget Perfection

We live in a society where we are continually fighting to be better than everyone else. We don't call it that, because it sounds, well, wrong. But isn't that what we do? We push our children to do the most things to develop the best resumes to get into the best colleges so they can get the best jobs and make the most money. We constantly search for the perfect match- the perfect friends, the perfect dress so we can look perfect for the interview for the perfect job. We live in a society where the divorce rate is off the charts- all because we want perfect- and then, once we really get down to the nitty gritty, we realize that our significant other really does have flaws. Here is what I want to say to all of this: STOP! Just stop. No one is perfect. Not a soul on this earth has earned perfection, for it can only be earned in The Kingdom.
So, I challenge you- on those days where you feel like, no matter how hard you are striving, you just aren't making the cut-stop. Take a step back. Look around you. No one else is perfect, either. Perfection will not come no matter how hard you strive for it. Others may seem like they have it all together, but we all have our dark days, our moments where we didn't 'have it all together'. 
Stop striving to find the perfect person for your life. Instead, learn to love those imperfections others have. Realize, that, without them, they would be an entirely different person. Just as you wouldn't be who you are without your struggles. 
If we can stop striving, stop searching, stop killing ourselves to develop an impossible perfection-the good things will come. Our eyes and ears and hearts will open up to hear the Good News, to see the beauty in the imperfections of this world, to experience the love He shares with us. The good things will come-we just need to quit trying so hard.

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